Today I decided to ask everyone who actually reads this what there favorite anime shows are. Please put as many as you want. Mine are:
1:Neon Genesis Evangelion (one of the coolest and most confusing shows of all time)
2:Death Note (one of the best drawn anime of all time.)
3:Avatar: The Last Airbender (the coolest show nick has ever had.)
and now you tell me yours. Don't worry you won't be judged here on what show you like, anybody that does judge you will be banned from these posts.
I forgot these two
4. Fuli Culi (it was funny but it was too short... and too hard to remember how exactly it is spelled.)
5. Full Metal Alchemist. (Really good voice acting and not over dramatized. haven't seen much of it though)
anime is kool but anime SHOWS suck
I think it depends on what show you see. Some do... well suck, but others are really good.